Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cleaning House

My house is never clean! I clean and clean and then clean some more but it just simply will not stay that way! The dishes are done for now, there is always a load of clothes in the washing machine, I swear I just took the garbage out 5 minutes ago, and sweeping the kitchen floor.....!

I get really crazy about my house looking like a tornado hit. Then I stop and think, "Would I change anything about the reasons my microwave is covered in an explosion of left over spaghetti sauce?" No I would not! I love my family and I am glad they have a place to be away from the insanity of the world. So does it really benefit anyone if their place of refuge has an insane woman running around yelling at them to pick up their "stuff"? Again NO!

I do believe that a family should make a concerted effort to keep their surroundings livable and even nice enough for the occasional visitor, but it is definitely not worth panic attacks or feeding the obsessive compulsive monster that rears its ugly head every now and then.

So I think I will kiss my kids when they get home from school and from football practice, ask about their day and then send them off to pick up their bedrooms.

Leesey Lou

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa Marie! The wirting you do is amazing. You have some wonderful insights. I think that you and Coach Jackson do an amazing job at creating a safe place for your children and also for those of us that aren't your actual children but feel as tho we are! Your home is my sanctuary and it will always be that way clean or messy! Love you!
